Frederike Brockmeyer (9/2024 – present)
Graduate Student, EECS Department
Recipient of the MIT Jacobs Presidental Fellowship (2024 – 2025)
Room 36-789
brockmef (at)




Frederike is a graduate student at EQUS, working on building a new experimental setup for spin qubit – superconducting qubit hybrid systems. She joined the group in September 2023 as a visiting student, working on her physics master thesis for ETH Zurich. During her bachelor and master at ETHZ, she spent time working on Trapped Ions in the group of Professor Jonathan Home, working on a low energy particle physics setup in the group of Professor Klaus Kirch at Paul Scherrer Institute, and working on embedded systems programming in the aCentauri Solar Racing team. In her free time she enjoys playing basketball and having game nights with friends.She is supported by the MIT Jacobs Presidential Fellowship (September 2024-May 2025).